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Intentional throw in Commander's Guild Battle

AuthorIntentional throw in Commander's Guild Battle
1. Link to battle: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1429664897
2. link to character: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=7639042
3. Proof of Intentional Throw:
I had burnt the defence of Ogre shamans with my hero and told him to hit ogre shamans with his rocs, boars and orcs. But he decides to block his orcs deliberatley. Then he waits with his orcs even when I told him to attack Rearguard Ursary as they were in range and had their retaliation taken.
Coming back to next turn of Orc Tyrants, again I had taken retaliation from rearguard ursary and also damaged their defence. Orcs were in melee range of rearguard ursary again but he decided to move his orcs 1 step up so that they can get a fireball from enemy Fire Dwarf.
closed by Beliar (2024-02-17 21:30:28)
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