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324 ST level 13

Author324 ST level 13

1) 22 Clerics all side : speed orb
2) 50 Vampires/ same / 3 Thrones / same : Attack orb
3) 49 Renegade scouts all side : speed orb
4) 20 Venomous wyverns / same / fighting elephants (monster lvl 2/1615hp)/ 23 fighting elephants : res orb
5) 258 swordmen / 173 forest brethren / 215 poisoners / camel raiders (monster lvl 3/ 2033hp) : speed orb
6) 115 camel riders all side : orb of illusions (170 orcs from down)

Good luck guys ^_^
Correction for 4th wave. Its health orb.
Notice for elf, the numbers of creature not same.
Not sure whether this is normal (playing tournament after 8 years+, not sure of the changes)

Resend with correction

1) 22 Clerics all side : speed orb
2) 50 Vampires/ same / 3 Thrones / same : Attack orb
3) 49 Renegade scouts all side : speed orb
4) 20 Venomous wyverns / same / fighting elephants (monster lvl 2/1615hp)/ 23 fighting elephants : health orb
5) 258 swordmen / 173 forest brethren / 215 poisoners / camel raiders (monster lvl 3/ 2033hp) : speed orb
6) 115 camel riders all side : orb of illusions (170 orcs from down)
numbers differ for each faction, factions like elf, tribal, dark elf and knight have the highest enemy numbers, factions like wizard demon dwarf have the lowest
Thanks for the explanation slayerofall
closed by discount (2021-11-16 03:10:55)
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