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Can't log in .ru server

AuthorCan't log in .ru server
The problem still exists.
I can add, that logins on .com and .ru are same (only logins, not passwords).
What do you mean by logins are the same but not passwords?
I have additional character: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=428215
It used to be main on .ru, but after Exodus became abandoned.
So now I have 2 characters with same logins, but different passwords.
Each login/pass pair only works with the appropriate character (com character can't log on ru, ru can't log on com).
Change the password of one of the character(if both the password are same) and try to login both the interfaces one after the other.

You may face some problem if the character with same nick before the Exodus have the same password even thought the nick of .com character has been changed.
for Murali:
Passwords are different. Only logins are same.
Try using "lord NagLesh" as username for your .com character on .ru
for Sven91:
Funny, it works.

Thx again, guys! :)
Unlocked thread again. Even though you have managed to get it to work using a work around I will leave it open as it is not working as it should so still a bug for admins to investigate.
it only applies to people that had a character on both .com and .ru with the exact same name before the merge. Since the merge is over a year ago now it applies to so few people, i doubt admins will fix it. Since new players can never face this problem.
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