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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles-->

Obligatory complaint form

AuthorObligatory complaint form
Complaints on intentional loses, staged or paid-for combats:
1. Link to battle.
2. Nickname or link to character who lost combat, and who paid for combat.
3. Proof of intentional loss or payment.

Complaints on insults in battles and tavern:
1. Link to combat or card game.
2. Nickname of offender.
3. ¹ of lines which contain insults (if the insults were in combat)
4. Complaints on insults in battles and tavern are accepted ONLY from victim and participants of that card game/combat. If you were banned, wait till the ban wears off.

DO NOT quote insults!Provide link to battle instead:
either https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=õõõõõõ
You can only lodge a complaint about a team chat violation if you were part of the team!

After the battle is over, go to your battle chat log (i.e. http://www.heroeswm.ru/battlechat.php?warid=XXXXX), locate and copy the unique 'Report to Keepers' link, and include it with your complaint.

Let me reiterate: Do not include the battle link in your complaint. Only include the 'Report to Keepers' link as described above.
closed by Beliar (2017-04-11 07:23:03)
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